Natalia Vladimirovna Kamanina

Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University

Natalia Vladimirovna Kamanina – Leader of the team, Head of the Laboratory for Photophysics of media with nanoobjects at Vavilov State Optical Institute. She coordinates the job of the team, participate at all experiments and analyze the data. She is Professor of SaintPetersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”. My current interest in the areas of investigations on inorganic soft materials of the UV and IR range, coatings, organic conjugated materials, liquid crystals, laser-matter interaction, fullerenes and biological objects. She has an experience in nanoparticles doping process of organics, in recording of amplitude-phase thin gratings in thin films as well as in developing of LC cells and spatial light modulators; she has an experience in the holographic recording and optical limiting effect of laser radiation over visible and infrared spectral ranges, in medical applications of LC structures to orient human blood cell. She has published more than 200 scientific papers in the International and Russian journals and 15 Russian Patents.